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RE: Flat Files

Eric:  Interesting.  I'll check that out first chance I get.  -jb

Eric Neilsen <e.neilsen@worldnet.att.net> said:

> Jeff,  There is a surplus place in Los Alamos that sells all sorts of
> stuff; glassware, movie projectors,  anything that might have come
> through the research departments at the Labs.  The man that runs the
> place nearly got thrown out of town because his place started to look a
> bit like a junk yard, but I found quite a few very good items there.  Ed
> Grothus , Los Alamos Salvage.  A nice diversion from Albaturkey.  : )
> Some times old print facilities that are unloading light sources, etc
> are also getting rid of large number of flat files as digital files
> replace the cumbersome flat files.
> Eric Neilsen
> 10219 Lynford Dr
> Dallas, TX  75238
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Buckels [mailto:jeffbuck@swcp.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2002 6:00 PM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
> Subject: Flat Files
> Anybody got a tip on how to get flat files cheap or on how to make
> some?  Thanks.  -jeff buckels
