RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.

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From: Kees Brandenburg (
Date: 11/07/02-02:19:04 AM Z

Hello Richard,

Here <> are my seven year old
(brown/green) test strips. Both were exposed for 6 min under a bank
of UV tubes. You can see the staining in the upper grey scale. The
lower oner was made with the green citrate, same paper and processing.

You are right about the light sensitivity. As you can see the
difference is not even one step (0.15 density) on the grey scale. So
it is less then half a stop slower then the green one.

I never tested clearing methods because I decided the green one was
the way to go for my work and the workshops I do. Actually I still
have the seven year old unused brown citrate. If thera are any
suggestions for a clearing bath I could run a test.


>I think Kees may have the found the cause. I had trouble getting
>"good" green citrate, but found some local industry is using large amounts
>of the brown citrate. As a result I can get high grade brown cheaply
>and know it is "fresh". So if the brown citrate does cause staining, this
>would explain my problem.

Kees Brandenburg
Workshops alt. photo | Middelburg | Netherlands

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