Alt-photo-process-L November 2002
By Author

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427 Messages
Starting:10/31/02-06:40:26 PM Z Ending:11/30/02-06:36:42 PM Z

AuthorSubject Date
Alan Mynett
 Re[2]: exhibition in London---Alt's techni que: "résino-pigmentype"11/09/02-02:27:14 AM Z
 Re[2]: exhibition in London---Alt's technique: "résino-pigmentype"11/08/02-03:44:00 PM Z
 Alt photo exhibition in London11/08/02-12:47:13 PM Z
Amy Cutting
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-01:41:35 PM Z
Andrew Darlow
 OT Advertisement:Inkjet Workshops in NYC11/07/02-11:10:54 PM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/07/02-10:50:01 PM Z
Andrew Frith
 EcoPro Imager11/08/02-05:53:09 PM Z
 Re: Inkjet Negatives on Epson 1200 Photo11/29/02-10:51:28 PM Z
 Re: holga source in Chicago?11/01/02-08:58:04 AM Z
 Re: Baldus/ was : GUM - STARCH ???11/23/02-06:27:08 PM Z
 Re: Palladio11/23/02-06:45:54 AM Z
 Archives11/18/02-11:15:42 PM Z
 New Books11/05/02-04:01:58 PM Z
 Re: All Wet?11/04/02-02:06:34 PM Z
 Re: HELP11/20/02-05:58:58 PM Z
Benno Jones
 Inkjet Negatives on Epson 1200 Photo11/29/02-07:45:08 PM Z
Bill Collins
 Re: vacuum easel pressure gauge11/21/02-01:27:01 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-07:53:10 AM Z
Bill Marsh
 Re: Photo Journey... OT11/20/02-01:07:39 AM Z
Bob Kiss
 Re: Palladio11/26/02-12:24:40 PM Z
 Re: (OT) 4x5 Graflex Speed Graphic11/24/02-08:46:26 AM Z
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-07:50:44 AM Z
 THANKS11/04/02-04:00:44 AM Z
Bob Parker
 Platinum/Palladium Workshop with Dick Arentz in Seattle11/20/02-11:54:57 PM Z
 Re: FW: Krappy Kamera Competition11/20/02-10:03:09 AM Z
 Krappy Kamera Show for 2003?11/19/02-11:26:59 PM Z
 Re: Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/12/02-07:24:26 PM Z
Carl Peterson
 Re: Removing Renaissance Wax?11/16/02-09:49:29 AM Z
 Re: All Wet?11/04/02-05:00:55 PM Z
Christina Z. Anderson
 cyanotypes on glass11/26/02-09:33:18 AM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/23/02-12:05:27 AM Z
 Re: mordancage staining11/22/02-10:22:13 AM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-10:19:54 AM Z
 mordancage staining11/22/02-10:15:32 AM Z
 Re: tintypes11/22/02-09:42:01 AM Z
 Re: tintypes11/21/02-09:48:52 PM Z
 Re: tintypes11/20/02-09:07:08 AM Z
 Re: tintypes11/18/02-03:45:58 PM Z
 tintypes11/18/02-12:52:05 PM Z
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-07:59:40 PM Z
 Re: B&W emulsion transfer11/09/02-11:31:13 AM Z
Christopher Lovenguth
 Lewis Carroll exhibit last couple days at SFMOMA11/08/02-09:48:33 AM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-12:17:15 PM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-10:07:41 AM Z
 Re: toning VDB & kalli - 2 questions11/24/02-10:04:10 PM Z
Clay Harmon
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/23/02-07:06:53 AM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-02:37:33 PM Z
 Re: real city/state11/21/02-05:11:53 PM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/16/02-11:19:24 PM Z
 Re: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/15/02-10:50:59 AM Z
 Re: Stuart again on gum11/15/02-09:17:36 AM Z
 Re: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/14/02-03:48:25 PM Z
 Re: Stuart again on gum11/14/02-03:32:35 PM Z
 Re: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/14/02-08:11:24 AM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-06:00:50 AM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-09:06:44 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-08:09:09 PM Z
 Re: UFOs in my negatives11/02/02-07:40:25 PM Z
Clyde Rogers
 thanks all for vacuum easel info11/22/02-11:36:26 PM Z
 vacuum easel pressure gauge11/21/02-12:59:00 PM Z
Craig Zammiello
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-07:34:27 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/09/02-03:52:28 PM Z
 Re: A review of two exhibits in NY at the Met not to be missed (one withalt prints)11/09/02-12:59:29 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/09/02-12:47:45 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-10:46:37 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-07:36:07 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/07/02-10:10:46 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/07/02-10:12:19 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/07/02-10:04:31 PM Z
Darryl Baird
 Re: HELP11/20/02-06:36:03 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/14/02-05:26:16 PM Z
Dave Rose
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/23/02-09:09:31 AM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-10:39:38 PM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/18/02-08:51:19 PM Z
 Re: alt-photog at work, was Re: Where eagles fly...11/08/02-07:44:59 PM Z
 Re: alt-photog at work, was Re: Where eagles fly...11/08/02-07:41:16 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-07:54:20 PM Z
David Jackson
 Re[2]: exhibition in London---Alt's techni que: "résino-pigmentype"11/08/02-04:14:46 PM Z
 Re: exhibition in London---Alt's technique: "résino-pigmentype"11/08/02-01:19:41 PM Z
 Temperaprint Exhibition London11/23/02-02:37:11 PM Z
 RE: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-02:55:21 PM Z
 RE: Ivorytype11/18/02-11:00:07 PM Z
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-07:56:31 AM Z
Don Bryant
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/29/02-11:40:57 AM Z
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/28/02-09:07:43 PM Z
 Re: Is there a chemist in the house?11/17/02-06:33:59 PM Z
 Re: Pigmented Prints11/11/02-06:59:45 PM Z
 Pigmented Prints11/11/02-12:36:28 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/06/02-09:30:53 AM Z
Ed Buffaloe
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/29/02-04:30:35 AM Z
Ed Stander
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/28/02-06:37:31 PM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-11:22:00 AM Z
 Re: vacuum easel pressure gauge11/21/02-06:10:53 PM Z
 Integrators11/16/02-07:21:35 AM Z
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/29/02-11:10:32 PM Z
 Re: real city/state11/23/02-02:41:15 AM Z
 Re: Photo Journey... OT Thanks!11/20/02-02:35:36 AM Z
 Re: Photo Journey... OT11/19/02-11:26:41 AM Z
 Photo Journey... OT11/19/02-01:29:47 AM Z
 Re: Removing Renaissance Wax?11/16/02-03:33:28 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-01:36:45 AM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/07/02-12:45:45 AM Z
 Re: A strange find: 10 year old _Palladio_ platinum/palladium paper11/27/02-12:16:41 PM Z
 Re: Palladio11/26/02-10:41:21 AM Z
 Re: Polaroid Paranoid11/21/02-03:02:57 PM Z
 Polaroid Paranoid11/21/02-10:28:52 AM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-10:20:44 AM Z
Eric Neilsen
 RE: Plastic spring clamps11/30/02-06:36:02 PM Z
 RE: Plastic spring clamps11/30/02-10:36:11 AM Z
 RE: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-06:16:24 PM Z
 RE: Is there a chemist in the house?11/17/02-09:12:18 PM Z
 RE: Is there a chemist in the house?11/16/02-10:51:31 PM Z
 RE: Another scanner related question11/13/02-11:15:00 PM Z
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-06:39:11 PM Z
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-12:54:10 AM Z
 RE: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/12/02-07:16:06 AM Z
 RE: slide scanner(s)11/09/02-08:40:57 PM Z
 RE: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/09/02-08:40:57 PM Z
 RE: Wet Plate, Hot lights & Strobe11/07/02-12:58:46 AM Z
 RE: Wet Plate, Hot lights & Strobe11/06/02-10:10:41 AM Z
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/05/02-06:29:25 PM Z
 RE: All Wet?11/05/02-12:38:13 AM Z
Eric S. Theise
 Re: holga source in Chicago?11/01/02-02:12:31 PM Z
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-08:09:17 AM Z
Erich Camerling
 Re : GUM - STARCH ???11/18/02-02:28:49 AM Z
 Show and Workshop in Madrid, Spain11/24/02-10:21:50 AM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-09:57:01 AM Z
 Re: Photo Journey... OT11/19/02-09:03:43 AM Z
 Removing Renaissance Wax?11/16/02-09:14:02 AM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/08/02-07:12:14 PM Z
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/29/02-11:17:59 AM Z
Galina Manikova
 RE: cyanotype on glass11/16/02-04:46:20 AM Z
Garry Lewis
 Re: Ivorytype11/21/02-06:57:08 AM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-11:26:32 AM Z
Gordon J. Holtslander
 Re: Archives11/18/02-11:47:31 PM Z
 Re: All Wet?11/04/02-01:52:56 PM Z
Guide Dept @ Stouffer Graphics
 Re: Another scanner related question11/14/02-06:20:54 AM Z
 Another scanner related question11/13/02-07:03:24 AM Z
henk thijs
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-02:49:56 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-09:22:45 AM Z
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/08/02-04:38:03 PM Z
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/07/02-10:51:05 AM Z
 RE: Duplicating film question11/14/02-07:32:40 PM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/25/02-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/18/02-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/11/02-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder11/04/02-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder11/01/02-12:00:01 AM Z
Jack Fulton
 Real Cowboys are Tough11/23/02-10:27:56 AM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-12:00:08 PM Z
 Re: Polaroid Paranoid11/21/02-10:00:05 AM Z
 Re: Photo Journey... OT11/19/02-09:38:32 AM Z
 Re: Ivorytype11/18/02-11:29:53 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-12:38:18 AM Z
 Re: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/15/02-12:35:20 AM Z
 Re: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/06/02-12:03:43 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/06/02-09:51:53 AM Z
 Re: UFOs in my negatives11/02/02-10:28:19 PM Z
Jalo Porkkala
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/16/02-05:05:53 AM Z
 Re: Gum Print Update11/15/02-01:47:22 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-11:49:07 AM Z
 cyanotype on glass11/14/02-04:35:43 PM Z
 Re: Inkjet Negatives on Epson 1200 Photo11/29/02-10:42:34 PM Z
 Show Hirschl@Adler Galleries11/16/02-11:52:28 AM Z
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-10:54:39 PM Z
Jean-Daniel LEMOINE
 Re: Wooburytypes11/11/02-09:27:34 AM Z
Jeff Buck
 Re: Integrator Solution11/27/02-06:37:42 PM Z
 Integrator Problem11/27/02-09:42:43 AM Z
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-07:13:47 PM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-09:29:04 AM Z
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-08:33:43 AM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-08:29:26 AM Z
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-08:27:11 AM Z
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-10:31:41 PM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-10:17:06 PM Z
 Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-08:58:04 PM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-11:37:12 AM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-11:43:13 AM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-11:16:15 AM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-11:11:11 AM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-01:21:18 PM Z
 Re: Really Steamed11/06/02-05:24:02 PM Z
 Really Steamed11/06/02-02:47:47 PM Z
 All Wet?11/04/02-11:06:40 AM Z
Jeffrey D. Mathias
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-09:24:21 PM Z
 Re: Is there a chemist in the house?11/18/02-10:38:06 AM Z
 Re: Is there a chemist in the house?11/17/02-06:47:53 AM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-01:06:50 PM Z
jerald brodkey
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-02:57:31 PM Z
Jim Murphy
 Re: Removing Renaissance Wax?11/16/02-12:31:57 PM Z
Jim Strain
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-02:08:01 PM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-07:01:19 AM Z
 Re: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/13/02-11:11:27 PM Z
 Re: Another scanner related question11/13/02-08:32:35 PM Z
 Re: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/12/02-07:28:49 PM Z
 Re: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/12/02-12:18:39 AM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/09/02-01:20:50 PM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/07/02-09:40:45 PM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/07/02-09:37:58 PM Z
Joe Rollins
 Re: Inkjet Negatives on Epson 1200 Photo11/29/02-09:26:09 PM Z
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/28/02-03:36:47 PM Z
John Bower
 Re: B&W emulsion transfer11/09/02-03:13:04 PM Z
 B&W emulsion transfer11/09/02-10:04:36 AM Z
John Campbell
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/23/02-09:40:55 PM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-09:22:12 PM Z
 Re: Polaroid Paranoid11/21/02-01:20:08 PM Z
 Re: Gum Print Update11/15/02-07:41:40 AM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-11:10:59 PM Z
 Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/09/02-06:07:13 PM Z
John Cremati
 Re: Plastic spring clamps11/28/02-10:19:03 AM Z
 Infrared Previewer11/28/02-10:38:33 AM Z
 Re: UV Radiation is good for me.11/24/02-09:35:32 PM Z
 Re: Ivorytype11/20/02-06:28:43 PM Z
 Ivorytype11/18/02-10:45:46 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/07/02-07:08:18 PM Z
John Edwards
 Re: Palladio11/26/02-07:51:49 PM Z
John Prokos
 UV Radiation is good for me.11/24/02-09:03:17 PM Z
Jonathan Bailey
 RE: Krappy Kamera Show for 2003?11/20/02-06:06:54 AM Z
Judy Seigel
 sarah's manual11/30/02-01:30:17 PM Z
 RE: Plastic spring clamps11/30/02-01:23:42 PM Z
 Re: Plastic spring clamps11/29/02-08:15:11 AM Z
 Re: UV Radiation is good for me.11/25/02-03:36:59 PM Z
 toning VDB & kalli - 2 questions11/24/02-09:10:57 PM Z
 Re: Re : GUM - STARCH ???11/23/02-03:52:41 PM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-03:47:12 PM Z
 real city/state11/21/02-04:13:23 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel pressure gauge11/21/02-04:07:42 PM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/18/02-11:25:25 PM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/18/02-11:20:55 PM Z
 Re: tintypes11/18/02-10:20:00 PM Z
 Re: tintypes11/18/02-02:37:36 PM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/17/02-04:47:21 PM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/17/02-01:45:44 AM Z
 RE: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/15/02-03:42:42 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass11/15/02-03:19:14 PM Z
 RE: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/15/02-01:09:14 AM Z
 Re: Gum Print Update11/15/02-12:56:21 AM Z
 Re: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/14/02-04:13:50 PM Z
 Re: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/14/02-03:22:42 PM Z
 Re: A Couple of Questions regarding Gum Prints11/13/02-03:01:04 PM Z
 PS Re: Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/12/02-10:12:37 PM Z
 Re: Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/12/02-09:56:12 PM Z
 Re: All controversy aside..11/12/02-12:49:02 PM Z
 RE: Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/12/02-12:35:34 PM Z
 Re: Pigmented Prints11/11/02-03:46:32 PM Z
 Re: A Couple of Questions regarding Gum Prints11/11/02-01:50:34 AM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/11/02-01:14:03 AM Z
 Re: Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/09/02-03:32:22 AM Z
 Re[2]: exhibition in London---Alt's techni que: "résino-pigmentype11/08/02-07:31:36 PM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/08/02-03:54:42 PM Z
 slide scanner(s)11/07/02-08:29:10 PM Z
 RE: Wet Plate, Hot lights & Strobe11/06/02-01:11:50 PM Z
 Re: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/05/02-09:29:16 PM Z
Julian Smart
 Re: Ivorytype11/20/02-03:37:07 PM Z
 Re: Pigmented Prints11/11/02-02:39:13 PM Z
Karen McCall
 Re: Cactus Cowboy unmasked (WAY OT)11/23/02-02:14:09 PM Z
Katharine Thayer
 Re: Palladio11/26/02-12:13:56 PM Z
 Cactus Cowboy unmasked (WAY OT)11/23/02-01:17:53 AM Z
 Re: tintypes11/22/02-01:49:29 AM Z
 Re: tintypes11/22/02-12:46:23 AM Z
 Re: tintypes11/21/02-12:44:45 PM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/18/02-05:52:52 AM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/17/02-02:03:46 AM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/17/02-01:44:42 AM Z
 Re: Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/16/02-03:46:32 PM Z
 Re: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/15/02-02:33:15 AM Z
Kees Brandenburg
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-02:45:39 AM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/07/02-02:41:02 PM Z
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/07/02-02:19:04 AM Z
 Re: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/06/02-05:06:19 AM Z
Ken Watson
 Stannotype11/08/02-02:23:38 PM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-11:24:08 AM Z
Kerik Kouklis
 RE: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/15/02-02:01:43 AM Z
 Re: Really Steamed11/06/02-05:43:24 PM Z
Liam Lawless
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-11:04:22 PM Z
 RE: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-10:23:11 PM Z
 RE: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-08:25:23 PM Z
 RE: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-06:17:15 PM Z
Lisa Reddig
 FW: Krappy Kamera Competition11/20/02-09:26:22 AM Z
Manuel Estébanez
 Re: Show and Workshop in Madrid, Spain11/25/02-02:42:03 PM Z
Manuel Gomes Teixeira
 UV probe for Metrolux II11/16/02-03:51:13 AM Z
maria ahlberg
 Re: Gum Print Update11/15/02-01:02:54 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/07/02-01:29:25 PM Z
Mark Kronquist
 Re: holga source in Chicago?11/01/02-08:24:50 AM Z
Martin Reis
 Cyanotypes Exhibit in Toronto Nov. 30-Dec. 22, 200211/29/02-08:19:38 PM Z
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/29/02-11:49:27 AM Z
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/29/02-09:41:33 AM Z
Michael Healy
 Re: Infrared Previewer11/28/02-03:53:20 PM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/23/02-10:23:30 AM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-11:20:10 PM Z
 Re: Polaroid Paranoid11/21/02-10:00:54 AM Z
 Ivorytypes (on-topic)11/21/02-09:59:22 AM Z
 All controversy aside..11/11/02-10:32:08 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/07/02-12:12:14 AM Z
 Re: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/05/02-03:56:03 PM Z
 Re: UFOs in my negatives11/02/02-11:13:55 PM Z
Michael Heath
 Re: Inkjet Negatives on Epson 1200 Photo11/29/02-11:36:38 PM Z
Monnoyer Philippe
 RE: A strange find: 10 year old _Palladio_ platinum/palladium paper11/28/02-07:23:43 AM Z
 RE: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-09:39:26 AM Z
 RE: Duplicating film question11/15/02-06:22:57 AM Z
 Duplicating film question11/14/02-06:41:18 AM Z
 RE: Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/12/02-07:28:37 AM Z
Nate Apkon
 Re: mordancage staining11/22/02-11:56:28 AM Z
nze christian
 Re: Pigmented Prints11/11/02-03:38:39 PM Z
Pam Niedermayer
 Re: Removing Renaissance Wax?11/16/02-10:53:11 AM Z
Pamela Buck
 RE: Photo Journey... OT11/19/02-11:52:22 AM Z
Paul Martinez
 stepwedges and internegs11/27/02-09:36:14 AM Z
Paul Repacholi
 Re: UV Radiation is good for me.11/25/02-03:16:06 AM Z
Peter Marshall
 Re: Plastic spring clamps11/28/02-11:20:04 AM Z
 Re: reciprocity failure chart failure10/31/02-06:40:04 PM Z
Philip willarney
 Re: A strange find: 10 year old _Palladio_ platinum/palladium paper11/27/02-02:10:04 PM Z
 Re: (OT) 4x5 Graflex Speed Graphic11/23/02-01:29:59 AM Z
 A strange find: 10 year old _Palladio_ platinum/palladium paper11/22/02-11:38:52 PM Z
Philippe Monnoyer
 Re: Is there a chemist in the house?11/18/02-01:28:57 PM Z
Phillip Murphy
 Re: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/13/02-05:58:48 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/10/02-09:43:42 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/10/02-04:31:37 PM Z
Richard Knoppow
 Re: UFOs in my negatives11/03/02-04:24:13 PM Z
Richard Koolish
 Platinum printing talk in Boston11/22/02-07:28:49 PM Z
Richard Sullivan
 Re: Is there a chemist in the house?11/17/02-11:20:06 AM Z
 Re: Stuart again on gum11/15/02-08:54:01 AM Z
 Stuart again on gum11/14/02-03:17:53 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-11:48:46 AM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-09:22:27 AM Z
Rick Becker-Leckrone
 RE: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/12/02-06:28:30 PM Z
 RE: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/09/02-06:37:14 PM Z
Robert Newcomb
 Re: Duplicating film question11/15/02-07:17:16 AM Z
 Re: Duplicating film question11/14/02-07:23:26 AM Z
Robert W. Schramm
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/07/02-11:23:49 PM Z
Roberto Tartaglione
 HELP11/17/02-09:28:34 AM Z
Robkin, Eugene
 RE: Re : GUM - STARCH ???11/23/02-10:38:11 AM Z
roger kockaerts
 Re: A strange find: 10 year old _Palladio_ platinum/palladium paper11/28/02-04:45:27 AM Z
 Re: Galina Manikova exhibit11/25/02-05:01:33 AM Z
 Galina Manikova exhibit11/25/02-04:27:55 AM Z
 Re: Plastic spring clamps11/29/02-02:47:58 AM Z
 Re: toning VDB & kalli - 2 questions11/25/02-07:56:39 AM Z
 Re: UV Radiation is good for me.11/25/02-07:45:45 AM Z
 Re: Archives11/19/02-10:10:33 AM Z
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/08/02-03:15:44 AM Z
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/08/02-03:11:11 AM Z
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/07/02-03:14:55 AM Z
 Re: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/06/02-04:25:48 AM Z
 Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/06/02-02:44:43 AM Z
S Wang
 Re: Infrared Previewer11/28/02-12:46:08 PM Z
 Re: Plastic spring clamps11/28/02-12:37:05 PM Z
 alt-photog at work, was Re: Where eagles fly...11/07/02-07:11:10 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/06/02-07:14:56 PM Z
Sandy King
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/29/02-12:29:19 PM Z
 Re: Plastic spring clamps11/28/02-04:55:36 PM Z
 Re: Homemade UV Unit11/28/02-02:38:49 PM Z
 Workshops in Montana11/28/02-12:03:02 PM Z
 Plastic spring clamps11/28/02-09:09:53 AM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-11:54:40 AM Z
 Re: Integrator Problem11/27/02-10:50:43 AM Z
 Re: UV Radiation is good for me.11/25/02-09:46:32 AM Z
 Re: toning VDB & kalli - 2 questions11/24/02-09:57:29 PM Z
 Re: Show and Workshop in Madrid, Spain11/24/02-01:28:07 PM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-05:03:55 PM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-12:36:17 PM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-11:35:34 AM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-11:14:35 AM Z
 Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-09:33:37 AM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-09:11:59 AM Z
 BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/21/02-07:47:15 PM Z
 Re: UV probe for Metrolux II11/17/02-09:23:55 PM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/13/02-09:55:53 AM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin12/31/03-10:15:46 PM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-10:47:50 PM Z
 Re: Consistency Is No Hobgoblin11/12/02-10:04:48 PM Z
 Re: Pigmented Prints11/11/02-04:29:24 PM Z
 Re: Wooburytypes11/11/02-01:35:11 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/09/02-07:53:09 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/09/02-02:38:10 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/09/02-09:16:19 AM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-09:00:37 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/08/02-12:19:15 PM Z
 Re: Woodburytypes11/07/02-10:36:07 PM Z
 RE: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-07:29:53 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-07:22:00 PM Z
 Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-04:56:45 PM Z
 Re: UFOs in my negatives11/03/02-08:18:19 AM Z
 Re: slide scanner(s)11/11/02-01:22:25 PM Z
Shannon Stoney
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/23/02-06:46:19 PM Z
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/23/02-12:15:15 PM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-09:05:06 AM Z
 Re: vacuum easel pressure gauge11/21/02-07:08:14 PM Z
 Re: Photo Journey... OT11/19/02-10:44:04 AM Z
 article worth reading11/17/02-09:34:17 PM Z
 Clay's gum over pt11/14/02-06:20:22 PM Z
 Re: alt-photog at work, was Re: Where eagles fly...11/07/02-09:49:14 PM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/07/02-09:27:03 AM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/07/02-09:34:11 AM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/06/02-09:25:44 AM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-08:22:12 PM Z
 Re: UFOs in my negatives11/03/02-02:05:43 PM Z
 UFOs in my negatives11/02/02-09:26:25 PM Z
 Re: holga source in Chicago?11/01/02-09:49:42 AM Z
 Re: Where eagles fly, and some alt photographers go!11/05/02-05:53:46 PM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-10:44:31 AM Z
 Re: BTZS ExpoDev software for reciprocity corrections11/22/02-10:33:17 AM Z
Stan Klimek
 Re: Protective coating on alternative prints?11/22/02-10:08:48 AM Z
Steve Bell
 Homemade UV Unit11/28/02-01:05:31 PM Z
 Further Mordancage Questions11/26/02-02:47:30 PM Z
 Mordancage Solution11/26/02-01:49:11 PM Z
 (OT) 4x5 Graflex Speed Graphic11/22/02-10:54:03 PM Z
 Gum Print Update11/14/02-09:55:27 PM Z
 Yet More Questions, this time Pertaining to Gum AND Cyanotype11/13/02-09:04:13 PM Z
 Re: A Couple of Questions regarding Gum Prints11/13/02-01:25:41 AM Z
 A Couple of Questions regarding Gum Prints11/11/02-12:33:46 AM Z
 Re: Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/09/02-10:24:05 AM Z
 Gum Bichromates and Ventilation11/08/02-09:15:53 PM Z
stuart goldstein
 Re: Polaroid Paranoid11/21/02-10:10:30 AM Z
 RE: Is there a chemist in the house?11/18/02-05:40:00 AM Z
 RE: Is there a chemist in the house?11/17/02-05:31:57 AM Z
 Gum Dichromate - Two Questions11/16/02-09:14:39 PM Z
 Is there a chemist in the house?11/16/02-09:00:49 PM Z
 RE: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/14/02-09:50:33 PM Z
 RE: GUM - STARCH - ?????11/14/02-07:43:14 AM Z
 GUM - STARCH - ?????11/12/02-08:44:57 PM Z
Terry Holsinger
 Re: All Wet?11/04/02-06:54:39 PM Z
terry lindquist
 Re: Other Scanners, MF--Imacon. . . ?11/11/02-12:51:15 PM Z
Thom Mitchell
 A review of two exhibits in NY at the Met not to be missed (one with alt prints)11/09/02-12:30:48 PM Z
Tillman Crane
 unsubscribe11/20/02-02:43:12 PM Z
Tom Ferguson
 Re: reciprocity failure chart failure11/01/02-09:05:11 AM Z
Wendy Gollihue
 RE: Problems clearing with cyanotype.11/06/02-03:38:39 PM Z

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