From: Craig Zammiello (
Date: 11/09/02-03:52:28 PM Z
----- Original Message -----
From: Sandy King <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Woodburytypes
> Craig,
> Many people have a fixed idea of what a carbon print looks like. It
> is complicated to explain all of the reasons why but there is not any
> *one* look about carbon. They can be either very sharp or soft-focus,
> of virtually any color or tone, have no relief or a great deal of
> relief, have a lot of sheen or be very matte in appearance, and
> appear on virtually any surface imaginable, including paper but also
> on ceramics, metal, glass, etc.
Thank You Sandy. Just goes to show all is not what one may think.
As for the Woodburytype material, fantastic!
I will email you privately to make arrangements.
Cheers, Craig
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