From: epona (
Date: 11/15/02-10:20:44 AM Z
What is waterglass?
I am interested in learning how to coat glass because I would like to
print images within the panes of antique windows.
henk thijs wrote:
> Maybe try the old recipe dating from the 'old' days of the list
> mentioned by Klaus Pollmeier. (for sure you will find him in the
> archives and -of course- in Judy's PF...)
> Put half a liter Budweiser (do not take Heineken, too much water in
> it :-) in a cup, wait a few hours, add something like a spoon (for
> soup, not tea) of baking soda , add about 40ml waterglass, stirr,
> wait some time and use this for coating. If dry , rinse under cold
> water and let dry. Try the cyano.
> Cheers,
> Henk
> --
> Henk Thijs
> member F68 :
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer. --Frank Zappa
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