cyanotypes on glass

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From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 11/26/02-09:33:18 AM Z

Hi List,
     This info from Jill Enfield will help:

"while making sure the subbing is done well with gelatin and a hardener such
as chrome alum, the most important part is to prepare the glass before
subbing. glass and plexi have oil on them from the factory and they need to
be cleaned off well (for any process to stick) before the gelatin (or
arrowroot starch or any other type of material a person likes to use).

the glass should be scrubbed (not necessarily scratched) with vinegar or
stop bath and then soap and water until the water no longer beads up but
runs smoothly off. Then the subbing will stick to the glass and so will
cyanotypes - or any other process the person chooses to use."


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