Mordancage Solution

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From: Steve Bell (
Date: 11/26/02-01:49:11 PM Z

Hey Everyone,

I've a question for all you mordancagers: can the solution be saved? i'm
doing it for the first time as we speak (my first print is washing). so, is
it safe to save the solution? it seems a horrible waste to throw it out.



--- Steve Bell
--- /
--- In fact, rock, rather than being an example of how freedom can be
achieved within the capitalist structure, is
     an example of how capitalism can, almost without a conscious effort,
deceive those whom it oppresses...So
     effective has the rock industry been in encouraging the spirit of
optimistic youth take-over that rock's truly
     hard political edge, it's constant exploration of the varieties of
youthful frustration, has been ignored
     and softened. --Michael Lydon

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