From: Ken Sinclair (
Date: 04/06/03-05:41:23 PM Z
I decided to try an experiment with mine this afternoon.... fresh cyanotype
mixture brushed onto Arches.
The safelight was left on all the time diring application and drying...
before exposure t sunlight some slight fog was in evidence... so much so
that afer exposure and "wash"....there was litle of the image to
discriminate. Stick to the low wattage indirect tungsten illumination.
>Is anyone using the Thomas Duplex safelight for Alternative processes?
>I have a small darkroom, 7.5x11 feet, and I've gotten mixed information
>about whether it is safe to use in this size room.
>I would like to put mine to use.
>Any comments.
>Thanks in advance,
>Don Bryant
[||/\/\/\/\//\/|| Ken Sinclair RBP, FBPA.
[|| ||-| Applied Photographic Services
[|| || | Lethbridge,
[|| || | Alberta, Canada,
[|| ||-| (403) 381-1654.
|___________________ |
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