From: Clay (
Date: 04/09/03-08:37:46 PM Z
Kevin Sullivan indicated that they(B&S) ^ might^ be dropping their
prices a bit real soon now...
On Wednesday, April 9, 2003, at 04:31 PM, wrote:
> I'm still waiting to hear if anyone has noted any decrease in recent
> times in
> the price of palladium chemistry on the part of any of our well-known
> vendors.
> It seems to me they all speak of their prices being tied to the market
> for
> commodity palladium. Anybody seen anything? -JB
> said:
>> I have used the following technique to palladium tone Van Dyke prints
>> (presumably it would also work on kalitypes as well). After exposure
>> the
>> print is washed and then cleared in a Kodak hypo clearing agent to
>> remove
>> iron salts, then it is washed again and toned in palladium. My
>> palladium
>> toner consisits of 1-2 drops of 20% palladiun salt (it could be
>> Na2PdCL4
>> or Li2PdCl4) in about 0.5 cc 20% citric acid. I spread this on top of
>> a
>> wet 4x5 print and drag it across with a glass rod. Toning is very
>> fast.
>> You can use more or less palladium to control the toning. If you let
>> the
>> toning solution contact the paper for too long palladium has a
>> tendency to
>> stain paper. Then a short water wash and another wash in a hypo
>> clearing
>> bath, followed by regular fixer. No need to worry about overfixing at
>> this
>> point. The image will not bleach. Palaldium toning will lighten the
>> print
>> and change the color to dark brown.
>> Marek
>>> I've noticed that the spot price of Palladium metal appears to be at
>>> a
>>> five year low. Does anyone know
>>> if this has effected the cost of Palladium chemistry?
>>> Also, would anyone have a formula for plating Palladium or Rhodium
>>> onto
>>> Silver or Gold?
>>> -Phillip
> --
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