From: Gary Nored (
Date: 04/11/03-06:11:16 PM Z
On 7 Apr 2003, at 23:11, Scott Wainer wrote:
Date sent: Mon, 07 Apr 2003 23:11:35 -0400
From: Scott Wainer <>
Subject: Film Speed and Negative Development
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> Hi all,
> Having just bought some Arista Pro 125 (aka, Ilford FP4+) I decided to run
> some film speed tests. I tried Crawley's FX-37 developer, Kodak Xtol, and
> D-76/ID 11 and ran into what I consider a problem. All of the developers
> indicated an EI of about 12-25 with standard development using a B+W
> densitometer.
Interesting you should mention this -- I've had problems
with this film (4x5) too. Poor speed and very flat. I've been
getting reasonable performance at ASA 50 developing
with D76 1:1 for 14 min rather than the suggested 8 or 9
min. But then, I'm shooting pinholes, so who knows? I've
shot a couple of lens-based photos on the stuff rating at
100 in the D76. Seem to be ok, but I haven't measured
with a densitometer. Neither sheet nor roll-film version of
this speed film work well with Diafine, my developer of
choice (I'm lazy) -- very flat.
I've used the Arista 400 speed film with no trouble. I
wonder if the 125 speed film is actually an Ilford
Gary Nored
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