From: Ryuji Suzuki (
Date: 08/14/03-12:30:47 AM Z
Following this thread, I went to paper shopping.
I have been looking for a local source of Magnani Pescia (which
Christina Anderson told me the brightest paper she's seen and I love
bright papers) but my local art supply store discontinued stocking it
for a long time... THey also discontinued stocking Winsor & Newton
watercolor paper in hot press surface... very disappointing.
Now went to look for vellum. They had several but not the
Clearprint. Umm...
In the process of looking and touching every brand of papers, I found
Borden & Riley #234 Paris Bleed Proof Paper for Pens in 11x14 size,
108lb. Bright, smooth, almost perfect though it's a bit small and
thin. I thought it might be useful for emulsion testing (I only do
silver gelatin process) so I bought it anyway. I soaked a narrow strip
of this paper in a cup of water for several hours... it's holding up
pretty well.
I did search on alt-photo list for last several months worth of my
personal archive... only a couple of emails really talk about it. But
since it's previously mentioned, I hope more people tried this
paper... and also hope to hear what others think about it.
Do they make this paper in sizes larger than 11x14?
Do they make this paper in heavier weight?
Did anyone do chemical assay for wood pulp?
-- Ryuji Suzuki "Reality has always had too many heads." (Bob Dylan, Cold Irons Bound, 1997)
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