OT, Nice news

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From: Bob Kiss (bobkiss@caribsurf.com)
Date: 08/13/03-08:11:58 PM Z

    I have recently received a grant from the Barbados National Art Gallery
Committee. It is just enough to pay for 8X10 Tri-x film, 100% cotton paper,
platinum/palladium salts and related chemistry to print 100 prints of
Chattel Houses. These little houses are an interesting and concrete
manifestation of Emancipation in the British Colonies (which occurred 40
years before the U.S.). The term "chattel" (as anyone who has ever held a
mortgage knows) refers to real property. In Barbados it refers to a small
"salt box" house wholly owned by the occupant who does NOT own the land.
It was a source of pride for those of African descent to own their own
homes which they could not do before Emancipation. The houses are set up on
coral stones with no foundations because
they were moved by the owner whenever they took new employment at a new
plantation or factory. Originally they were moved on flat carts pulled by
donkeys. They are still moved on flat bed trucks when necessary. Many
Chattel House dwellers now own their land and put down more solid
foundations but there are still many who lease the land. If a dweller wants
more room the houses are "ganged" together in a modular fashion.
    These houses are miniature copies of Georgian designs. At first glance
they appear "cookie cutter" replications. Upon closer inspection one sees
so many varied details that are manifestations of the spirit of the dwellers
who strove to individualize their homes. In a way these photos are indirect
portraits of the inhabitants of the houses and of the struggle for
acceptable individuality in an extremely conformist society.
    I had an introductory gallery show of about 20 of these houses in March
and that
is what got me the grant. Since then two of the houses in the show
have been demolished. I have a very serious sense of urgency to capture
these little architectural gems before they are gone.
    I want to thank (not in order of importance but according to my midlife
memory) Eric Neilson, Melody Bostic, Richard Sullivan, Dick Arentz, Judy
Seigel (and WJPFP), and Gordon Hutchins who have taken time to answer my
e-mailed questions and all on this list who have ever posted a question or
answer related to Pt/Pd printing since 1998. Of course I am indebted to
Louis Nadeau, Christopher James, Carl Weese, and Webb & Reed for the
information in their wonderful books.
    There are nearly 1,000 Chattel houses in Barbados. May I live long
enough (and may the NAGC continue to renew my grant long enough) for me to
photograph them all. When I have them on my website I will notify the list.
In the interim, thanks again for being such a wonderful source of
information. Very much like a family we have our rapports and rancor but
love of what we do keeps us in touch.
                        CHEERS FROM BARBADOS!
PS: Anyone got a Nu-Arc table top model Metal Halide plate burner with
integrator that they might be willing to ship to Barbados? I have a WHOLE
LOT of prints to make!!!

Please check out my website:

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