Re: Kodak Poly Toner Source

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From: Richard Knoppow (
Date: 07/15/03-03:03:18 AM Z

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From: <>
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Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 3:53 PM
Subject: Kodak Poly Toner Source

> Was just in Blue Moon Camera 503 978 0333 I believe they have a couple bottles
of impossible to find Kodak Poly Toner in stock Mark
  For those interested Kodak published some formulas for
combining Kodak Brown Toner and Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner
before Polytoner came on the market. I have two sources of
somewhat different formulas. They should function like
Polytoner, which has been discontinued. Agfa Viradon, which
was also a combination toner until recently, is now a a
polysulfide toner like Kodak Brown toner. It will probably
work in these formulas in place of KBT but I have never
tried it.

Combination Toner

  Kodak Rapid Selenium toner and Kodak brown toner can be
combined to give a single-solution toner which works rapidly
at room temperature. This combination toner is recommended
for Kodak warm tone papers.

  Two pleasing intermediate hues to those of Kodak Rapid
Selenium Toner and Kodak Brown Toner, a rich red-brown (Hue
No.1) and a warm brown (Hue No.2) can be obtained from the
following formulas.

Hue No.1

Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner 17.0 ml

Kodak Brown Toner 75.0 ml

Kodalk Balanced Alkali 30.0 grams

Water to make 1.0 liter

Tone Prints for 3 minutes at 70F

Capacity: 80 8x10 prints per gallon

Replenisher: Selenium Toner diluted 1:5 add 30.0 ml per ten
8x10 prints

Capacity with replenisher: 150 8x10 prints per gallon.

Hue No.2

Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner 2.0 ml

Kodak Brown Toner 100.0 ml

Kodalk Balanced Alkali 8.0 grams

Water to make 1.0 liter

Tone prints for 7 minutes at 70F

Capacity: 40 8x10 prints per gallon

Replenisher: Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner diluted 1:20. Add
30.0 ml per ten 8x10 prints.

Capacity replenished: 150 8x10 prints per gallon.

Source: _Professional Printing with Kodak Photographic
Products_, Publication G5, 1952 edition.

Another combination toner formula attributed to Kodak is as

Water 500.0 ml

Sodium Carbonate, anhydrous 160.0 grams

Kodak Brown Toner 320.0 ml

Kodak Rapid Selenium toner 80.0 ml

Water to make 1.0 liter

Dilute 1: 3 for use.

Tone 3 to 5 minutes at 68F. And clear in Kodak Hypo Clearing

Source: _Modern Photography_, December 1953, p.87

>From the MSDS for Polytoner this is pretty close to the
commercial product.

Polytoner was not sold at the time these formulas were

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA

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