Re: American Annual of Photography 1929 re Fresson

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Date: 07/17/03-10:10:06 AM Z

In a message dated 17/07/03 02:32:12 GMT Daylight Time,

> On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 wrote:
> > To All Fresson Info Searchers,
> > Luis Nadeau in his excellent book " Gum Dichromate, and other Direct
> > Carbon Processes" mentions the work of Charles W. Miller as refered to
> > Charles M. Mouret writing in "The American Annual of Photography" 1929.
> Apparently
> > Miller used Fresson " Arvel" paper which was a derivative of their
> previous
> > product which used sawdust and water to develop the image. This "Arvel "
> paper
> > was sold commercially over a period of approx 15 years prior to World
> Two
> > and was developed using a weak solution of potassium hypochlorite (
> household
> > bleach) thus doing away with the messy sawdust mixture and the riguorous
> water
> > temperature controls needed to adjust the density of the print.
> > Recently, The American Annual of Photography 1929 was
> mentioned
> > on this list. I was wondering if anyone was successful in locating this
> > publication? It may contain further clues to the "secrets" of the
> Direct
> > Carbon processes.
> John, I have this book & just skimmed the article... It seems to me not
> terrifically different from others of the period... It calls for "fresson
> paper," otherwise known as Artigue paper. Development is with sawdust:
> "Overexposed prints can also be developed in Javelle water [bleach]
> instead of with the aid of sawdust. This prodedure is, however, not always
> as simple as it looks,....." etc. etc. And there are some instructions on
> Miller's method.
> As noted I just skimmed -- if you like, I'll copy and send to you -- tho
> I'll add that I found some of the "Artigue" formulas in the various
> dictionaries & other sources of the period more promising, since they told
> how to make the paper.
> cheers,
> Judy
Judy, Many thanks for the offer of the copy which I greatfully accept. Nadeau
mentions only a fragment of the article by Mouret and the work of Miller
which, even so, was very helpful to my research. In return for your copy I will
send you a sample of my latest Direct Carbon paper which may be developed
with weak bleach as was also the "Fresson Arvel" paper. I will include full
instructions. I dont know whether my D/C paper formula is in any way similar to
that of Fresson except that it performs in exactly the way, in development, as
described by Jose Ortiz Echague in his published notes on the procedure.
Neither Echague or Fresson have ever published details of their paper coating
formula altho there have been many attempts by others over the years to make
guesses, so my own findings can only be judged by the results achieved by anyone
using my system.
              Best Wishes John

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