Re: News from APIS

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From: Ed Buffaloe (EdBuffaloe@UnblinkingEye.Com)
Date: 07/23/03-05:13:51 AM Z

Actually, I suspect any "hype" came simply from the necessity to promote
APIS--I found Stuart Melvin to be quite self deprecating. He didn't make
any claims for originality. All you have to do is look at his prints to see
that he is an expert printer of both platinum and gum. I was very glad to
learn from him, as I am also glad to learn from Dave Rose, Sam Wang,
Katherine Thayer, and all the other expert gum printers on this list.
Perhaps it was our expectations that were overblown, but the proof is in the

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Rose" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: News from APIS

I don't understand the advantage in adding dry dichromate to gum and then
adding water. Why not just add a 'traditional' dichromate/water solution to
gum? What's the difference?

IMO, there's a lot of overblown hype here. Kudos to Mr. Melvin for some
effective self-promotion, and the obvious ability to make some beautiful

Best regards,
Dave in Wyoming

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