From: Alan Bucknam (
Date: 03/03/03-06:22:09 PM Z
> 1. Why do most people use a bit more of the metal salts than the
> parts A/B
> combination? e.g.44/46 drops Part A+B/Part C instead of 44/44?
I've seen this too. I still do 2 extra drops of metal vs. total drops
of B&C, but it's just my own voodoo superstition to sacrifice excess
metal to the photo gods, and not based on any science at all. Anyone
know where this inconsistency came from?
> 2. Why does a line of demarcation occur with developing if you don't
> submerge the print in the developer evenly, if it is a develop- to-
> completion process?
So, if I understand correctly, you place your print into a tray full of
developer, and not pour the developer into an empty tray with the print
in it, right? You could try the latter technique--it may give you an
easier time avoiding that line, although I use the latter method and if
you hesitate when pouring the dev. over th eprint that line DOES show
up. When pouring dev. over the print, however, one must be mindful of
the streaking that can occur from pouring over a darker part of the
image rather than a lighter part (the emulsion seems to "release" a
little bit of itself before the developing action nails it down in
place o the paper...this released stuff can streak into adjacent parts
of the print, which is bad if, say, they're a lot lighter.)
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