From: John Glen (
Date: 03/03/03-09:43:35 PM Z
Someone wrote something about...
Stalin and photographic censorship...
Once, (before all the changes occurred) I had a
Russian friend to read both "1984" and "Animal Farm";
I was a bit surprised....but he was of the opinion
that "Animal Farm" more closely described his contry.
--- Shannon Stoney <> wrote:
"...Hiroshima after the bomb leveled it.
It seemed amazing that one bomb could do all that.
Lots of people looked at that for a long time."
Yes and it is a shame that we don't all have to see
the images of what we have done. Right or Wrong, we
need to know what we have done to a lot of innocent
people in the name and deed of stopping a war we did
not ask for.
Richard, I think I recall some censorship issue about
an exhibition of these kind of pictures (atomic bomb)
in the US a few years ago... perhaps the Smithsonian
or some such similar place... While there was talk of
censorship not being involved, that is for you to
decide. Many Japanese (or nisei) felt otherwise.
I certanily don't want to make jokes about this
subject, but talk about ALT photo... do I remember
correctly... that there was even oh I forget the
correct term, but images made where the area potected
by people standing near walls gave a lighter tone than
the schorched areas which recieved more exposure...
resulting in "shadograms" or "Rayographys" made by
atomic bomb?
Ray (JG)
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