From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/04/03-11:18:18 PM Z
On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Steve Bell wrote:
> can anyone reccommend a fix for this problem with gelatin size? i'm having
> the fish eye problem something awful. it seems on my last print i was able
> to coat over it with some tenacity, but when i cleared the print there was
> a dark spot of pigment/gum over that spot. luckily when i took a brush to
> it it mostly disappeared.
> this problem comes from too much size? how much is too much size? my sizing
> method is basically livick's, although i size both sides of the paper by
> dipping the paper into the gelatin/glyoxal bath and then i hang it to dry.
> that way there will be less subsquent curling of the paper (with both sides
> sized).
> so, what is too much size?
In the cold weather the gelatin may drop in temperature so that it becomes
thicker making a heavier coat -- if you keep your gelatin above 110
degrees F and squeegee from the back or between a couple of rollers or
over the edge of the tray (the least desirable option), you won't have too
much size.
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