From: Ed Buffaloe (EdBuffaloe@UnblinkingEye.Com)
Date: 03/09/03-03:46:38 PM Z
I've learned a lot from this one mistake, so it was worth it. But I'll take
you up on that beer at APIS.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <>
> Finally, I cannot believe I led poor Ed astray; I realize the
> error--when I say *pigment* I should have said *liquid* or *tube* pigment,
> or even paint, because of COURSE it would sound like I meant I used 6 g of
> POWDERED pigment in my 6/12 mix. And that is the problem with email. So
> sorry, Ed. I owe you a beer (or an espresso?) at APIS if you and I both
> there perchance this summer.
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