From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/11/03-12:48:27 AM Z
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
> Zimmerman plops a pound of the potassium dichromate in a pint jar and fills
> it with water to the top. He doesn't measure. He pours off the amount of
> sensitizer in solution he needs and puts water back into the jar. He keeps
> doing this until there are no more crystals remaining in the bottom of the
> jar, at which point he adds more pot di. Anyone do this??
That was fairly common, if not actually standard in Zimmerman's day. I've
done it with no problems, but somehow just didn't like having that
much mixed at a time...
Your description of Zimmerman's process is confusing me however -- the one
I remember from Photo Miniature was where he develops between blotters...
The feedback in the press *at that time* was relatively restrained, and a
few folks claimed they couldn't make it work at all. I myself decided it
would cost as much in blotters & make more waste than paper, so managed to
refrain from trying it.
Judy S.
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