Re: The Holy Grail

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From: Garry Lewis (
Date: 03/13/03-11:27:23 AM Z

Richard the mighty open the book and recited- }:^)>
>Over the years we have had to contend with the Holy Grailers. These are
>people who have worked out a way to make prints that works for them. Good!
>But they take it one step further and proclaim it is the >>ONLY<< way to
>make the prints.

The only thing I can add, is that HGers doesn't only apply to print makers.
If I only had a nickel for every time I've heard--
PMK is better than D-76- is better than D-23- is better than Pycat- is better than
Or a dime for every someone said something isn't worth trying because no one uses it today
and some expert (somewhere, sometime) said it was no good.
Then I could afford everything I've ever wished for and couldn't buy.

                                yours still not convinced that newer is better,

                                                    Garry D. Lewis

 -CAN'T is a four letter word-

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