Waxed digital negatives

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From: Katharine Thayer (kthayer@pacifier.com)
Date: 03/13/03-06:00:24 AM Z

While I'm here, someone (Matti maybe) asked a while back about times for
printing gum from waxed or oiled photo quality inkjet paper compared to
transparencies, and I didn't see there was ever an answer. She's
probably figured it out herself by now, but here's my experience for
what it's worth: To some extent it depends on what type of transparency,
but as a general rule I have found that with my equipment and materials,
oiled photo quality inkjet paper takes about twice as long as FP4, about
the same time as the high density laser printer transparencies I used to
use, and a little less time than Pictorico. Wax will be somewhat slower,
in my experience. Your mileage no doubt will vary depending on your own
equipment and materials.

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