Re: Zimmerman process

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Date: 03/16/03-07:02:10 AM Z

In a message dated 16/03/03 00:59:43 GMT Standard Time,

> .....................he does not, it
> appears, let the colors dry when he "paints by number", but just crudely
> paints the colors on (influenced by the impressionists who put dots of
> colors side by side to get more brilliant colors) and then coats it with
> clear gum/sensitizer mix.
Chris, Thanks a lot for going thru' all that stuff. Myself, I have used ,and
will probably continue to work with,''poster paint'' of the basic colours in
dry form which has gum already as part of the mix before water is added.
Also, I have used pastel paper which has a high strength quality for soaking
and also lining paper which is incredibly cheap and allows hundreds of
''mistakes'' (learning activity) without thought for costs.
       Since you mention the Impressionists it might be of interest to note
that NADAR Tournachon, Gaspard Felix ( 1820 1910 ) the French photographer,
''In 1874, organized, in the main salon of his sumptuous studio in the
boulevard des Capucines, the first Impressionist Exhibition. Under the title
of, '' The Anonymous Society of Artists, Painters, Sculptors, and
Engravers,'' the exhibition brought together the works of Monet, Pissaro,
Renoir, Sisley, Cezanne, Degas and Boudin.''
     From, ''Images. Illusion and Reality.'' by Bede Morris. Australian
Academy of Science. Canberra. 1986.
              I am imagining that the close study of photographs and the
experimentation which could have ensued among painters, at that time, could
have brought the Impressionist movement into being. Who knows? ? I feel that
the clandestine use of cameras and photos by artists is generally accepted,
now, amongst art historians. But its a great book if you can get a copy from
the library.

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