Zimmerman process

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From: Matti Koskinen (mjkoskin@koti.soon.fi)
Date: 03/10/03-10:41:42 AM Z

hi list,

I tried mixing lot of pigment, just few drops of arabic gum and lots of
dichromate. The result was great. First of all, until now, my exposures
with lamp have been something between 1/2-1 hours, now the test strip I
made had the shortest exposure of 10 mins and this resulted one hour of
soaking in water to get a decent print. My lamp is 100 W blended light
lamp, so with a good uv-source the time may be really short.

I used Winsor&Newton Cotman Ivory Black color, and as it has already
arabic gum, I added only very little bit more of arabic gum.

Compared to my earlier "prints", this print looks much better. I'm a
novice, so still there are many things I'm doing not the correct way, so
  the little contrasty image can be a result of the original digicam
image or other things. I made just a straight inkjet negative. Zimmerman
says in his article that a full tonal print can be made, mine is surely
much closer to this than my earlier ones.

Really worth trying. The print is drying at the moment, but perhaps I'll
have the courage to scan it and show to others too.



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