From: Jean Daubas (
Date: 03/16/03-06:19:15 PM Z
Hi Paula "Polli" !
You are "tracking" info about "Chimigrammes" (that's the French spelling
for what is written in English "Chemigram"). Roger Kokaerts just wrote to
you, speaking of his Belgian friend artist Pierre Cordier who is generally
considered as the founder and master of the chemigram technique. Pierre
Cordier writes himself that he invented the chemigram process in 1956.
I join Roger Kockaerts in thinking that Pierre Cordier's chimigrammes are
probably the most advanced representative works of this technique. I do not
personally know Pierre Cordier but I read long time ago a very interesting
article where he speaks about the history of his process, the artistic
reasons which led him in this way and some info about his working methods.
Several color reproductions of some of his works illustrate the article as
well as a simplified "How to..." procedure. I always kept this article on
the top of the heaps of written info which I accumulate since I myself tried
to realize some chemigrams [very simple ones ;-) ]..
The reference for this article is : "Art & Alchemy", chemigrams by Pierre
Cordier; text by Steve Pollock. In "Camera Arts", December 1982 , cover
picture + pages 26-35.
I do not know if you may get this issue of late (in this form) C.A.
magazine. if you have problem and if you wish to get this article, just feel
free to ask me and we shall find together a way for you to receive it.
There is another French artist practicing "Chimigrammes" : Marie-Louise
Bréhant who belongs (as myself) to the French alt photo Association
"Hélios". she is a very kind and lively woman of 83 years old and she has
some Chimigrammes shown on the site of Association Hélios. you just have to
type the Helios URL :
>From the Home page, just click on the menu 'les Techniques" and at the
bottom of these, you will find "chimigrammes". clicking there will open for
you a page with some of Marie-Louise' 's chemigrams, (and among them several
of her combined "mordançages on chemigrams").
I hope you may find some useful info for your research work, Paula...
Cheers from France,
Jean Daubas, auteur-photographe
16 rue de Bourg-Sec
25440 LIESLE France
06 81 53 12 89 / 03 81 57 50 13
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paula Marriner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 11:41 PM
Subject: chemigrams
> Hi Dick,
> YES Yes Yes to Santa FE , I am just putting out a call
> for more info as I am sure I do not know everything
> and want to be really well prepared for Santa Fe.
> Also I am beginning a dissertation on the process, so
> need to extend my paper from last year, already I have
> had three great replies, for which by the way guys I
> am incredibly thankful!!!!
> The process you described is I assume using the
> cornstarch as a carrier medium, it would work similar
> to dilution, but be far more viscous. I would love to
> find out more about it do you have any details?
> The chemigram process has been hard to track as each
> time it has been "rediscovered " it has been given a
> new name by the user who has thought it was a new
> discovery. Hence I have ten or eleven different terms
> to search for. Also the boundaries extend in many ways
> as many user do extend into toning, dyeing, C$41
> chemistry additions, combining with traditional
> printing, and many other combinations.
> So far some of the names off the top of my head are
> Chemigrams
> Chemograms
> Chimigrams
> Chimmigrammes
> Light Paintings
> Solargrams
> Lytescapes
> Chromoskedasic Drawing
> Duotone psedosolarisation
> Photobatik
> Fotobatik
> chemofotograms
> And I have discovered amazing artists such as Pierre
> Cordier,Dominic Lam, Phil Winsor, Lloyd Godman,
> Birgit Blyth, and many more
> Also, the discovery proceses make for amazing reading
> too.
> I guess this will send folk out on searches and blow
> my surprises for Santa Fe, but maybe if anyone here
> has more, you will let me know so I can compile it.
> Thanks to all who have replied to me personally,
> Keep it coming plese!!!!!
> Polli
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