From: Jack Fulton (
Date: 03/24/03-09:41:41 AM Z
Bob's Bad Poe-tree is large like . . . uhhh, eloquent
Methinks we all ought to
Move to Knew York enmasse
Twice a year
w/a court reporter
And stay up extremely late
Copiously copying banter from JS
And aid the cobbling together of future issues.
It is a most rare treat this 'TWJOPFP'
Thanks to all who've graced the pages.
It's my hope that at least ten see the light.
Dear Judy,
How sad it will be when you are all through. If No. 9 is the last it will
make me so blue.
Where will I get my information, those Judy-isms and inspiration?????
Judy we love you and Post Factory too. Please just don't leave us with
issues so few.
I really do mean it I have to confess. I get all excxited when you go to
So now I am begging you never to quit. If you do, I'm afraid I will just
have a fit!
Another GREAT isuue Judy. Merci beaucoup!
Bob Schramm
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