Re: Post Factory Photography

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From: Kris Erickson (
Date: 03/24/03-04:39:18 PM Z

It's true, we don't have $2 nor (for a decade-and-a-half now) $1 paper
money anymore; and I believe I heard plans are/were underway for $5 and
$10 coins!!!
If one were so inclined, one could go to a "Chinatown" in Toronto and/or
B.C.; I still occasionally get my change in $2 coin/$2 paper mixes when
I buy my longans and gai lahn... seems many customers still don't
believe in banks (good for them!) ;-)
In any case, thanks Judy & all contributors for a wonderful issue--it
will indeed be a bleak day when the final issue arrives on my doorstep :-(
all the best,

Rajul Iyer wrote:

>on 3/22/03 10:53 PM, Judy Seigel at wrote:
>>Dear List,
>>I often suggest that folks "ask the list," which finds answers for almost
>>everything. So before I give answer about how to get a copy of
>>Post-Factory (with many thanks to Sandy for the plug), here's my question:
>>Why is it that ANY time ANYONE else uses my computer, no matter how
>>superior their skills and careful their behavior, I am left with a mess?
>>This afternoon a visiting fireperson used Explorer, and now my z-term is
>>wiggy. Grrrrrr....
>>I mention this because the cursor is out of control, so I will be brief:
>>I'll send full subscription info to anyone who requests it OFFLIST, but
>>meanwhile, whoever in the US or Canada puts two dollar bills in an
>>envelope (folded into a sheet of heavy-ish paper) and mails to
>>Post-Factory, 61 Morton Street, New York, NY 10014, with the words "Issue
>>#8" written somewhere in the vicinity, can have that issue as "free
>>introductory copy for the cost of the postage." Or, should you wish it
>>LITERALLY for the cost of the postage and are in the US, send a check for
>>To other countries, it takes 6 International Reply coupons to cover
>>(approximately) the postage.
>>Meanwhile, thanks to Niranjan for asking such an excellent question.
>>| Judy Seigel, Editor >
>>| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
>>| >
>>| <>
>>On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Niranjan Patel wrote:
>>>Post Factory PhotographySandy:
>>>How do I get hold of a copy?
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: Sandy King
>>>Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 1:56 PM
>>>Subject: Post Factory Photography
>>>With this short note I would like to express my appreciation to Judy Seigel
>>>for her efforts in putting together the latest issue of Post-Factory
>>>Photography. I have found all of the past issues of this publication to be
>>>informative, useful and well written, and this number is no exception. In
>>>fact, it may well be the best of them all, with some highly useful
>>>information about vdb, kallitype, albumen, and a non-salt salt process that I
>>>am sure to try at some point in the future. And to top it all off, virtually
>>>nothing about cyanotype and gum!!!!.
>>>Sandy King
>Hi Judy,
>We do not have $2 paper bills in Canada so I would have to mail you a cheque
>to cover the postage of the #8 issue of Post Factory Photography. I would
>also appreciate receiving information on how to subscribe for your journal.
>My address is: Rajul Iyer, 2595 Maquinna Road, Kelowna, B.C. V1W 2R9.
>Thank you from Beautiful B.C. Rajul

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