Slowest development / was Re: emergency question regarding cyanotype

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From: Phillip Murphy (
Date: 03/30/03-04:52:58 PM Z

It would be curious to see a list of slowest alt-photo processes. Not that one
can not drag these
processes out ( example would be many many layers in building an image). But a
list of process insensitivity to
actinic light would interesting.

The longest times that come to mind for myself is working the Physautotype, the
Becquerel developed
Daguerreotype, and the cold-mercury developed Daguerreotype. The range is from
four to thirty-six hours.

Anyone else practicing patience out there? Perhaps the pinhole practitioners
have some remarkable times.
Didn't someone make an image that lasted months to create with a pinhole camera?


"Christina Z. Anderson" wrote:

     The second part of your question: timewise, if it is gray and rainy
outside, expect a very long exposure with traditional cyano. Someone will
correct me if I am wrong, but if I remember, it is the longest time of the
alt processes, and even moreso if you are using traditional cyano mixed 1:1


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