Re: Spam Assassin

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 05/30/03-08:32:18 PM Z

Hi Bill,

Gord is right -- I work in/on the Unix shell in Pine, so the Assassin is
provided by my ISP. It's a great boon because Pine is quicker, more
adaptable & more direct than any designer e-mail program I've tried, also
viruses if any don't arrive because I'm working there, not here. The
drawback (?) is Pine only does text, not pictures, or websites, or tricks
of any stripe.

Meanwhile, Assassin has only let 3 or 4 spams through to date, and the
relief is palpable. (Now if I could get an Assassin for the phone

As for OS X -- your instincts are absolutely correct. I am one of several
people I know who ripped X out by the roots and is still sprinkling holy
water and saying incantations in an attempt to undo the curse.

It's fine I understand if you have all new X compatible software and
hardware (planned obsolescence raised to an art form) but it does NOT
play nicely with 9.2 -- in fact it is, despite claims to the contrary,
absolutely incompatible with 9.2. You will never have a moment's peace
with those two in the same room.

As for Mozilla -- in the early days of the so-called upgrade to G4 when I
found it wouldn't operate my old terminal emulator (Z-term) I looked into
Mozilla for e-mail. Frankly, I was in the mood for plug and play, which it
is not. (I was saving such brainpower as I retained for essentials of
homeland defense.) You have to do a study program -- even just finding
the right version is fraught. Or so it seemed in comparison to Pine &
Z-term, which really are plug and play. Z-term, incidentally, still works
well with the Panix server, but limps dismally with the Post-Factory
server. (Just when you think it's safe to use r-e-a-s-o-n -- the bastards
trip you up again.)

Meanwhile, thanks for the kind words on P-F VIII. It did (I admit) have
some genius input. I promised myself to try a few of those goodies
myself... I think first/easiest one of Liam's no-salt salt prints. (The
Hudson River is NOT salty, I'm told... But, don't you have a problem with
the bodies out there, Jack?)



On Thu, 29 May 2003, Bill Marsh wrote:

> Judy,
> You use a Mac, right? So I assume SA is Mac compatible. Is
> there a version for OS 9.x? I have yet to make the leap to
> OS X, for various reasons - mostly because everything I have
> now for OS 9 actually works. If it ain't broke....
> Regards, Bill
> PS - I don't think I ever congratulated you on another great
> issue of PFJ. Thanks for all the hard work.
> Judy Seigel wrote:
> > Thought it worth mentioning that Spam Assassin has been so far knock on
> > wood terrific. In the week & a half that it's been applied, only 2 Spams
> > got through, and no personal or list mail seemed to get stopped. It goes
> > into a folder marked "Spam" and every couple of days I check & delete.
> > (Today after 3 days there were 73.)
> >
> > J.
> >
> >

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