I will "second" Richard Knoppow's good words about Western Bellows
(westernbellows@aol.com 909-980-0606 California, USA). They have done
fine work for me :-)
If the bellows has more than a few corner light leaks, replacing it is
the best choice. There are ways to cheaply fix bellows. They are not as
long lasting as a new bellows! I've use a roofing material called
Elastaseal. Suggested here on this list many years ago (I think). It
will seal small pinholes, even on corners. It does last (perhaps 3
years in my case). It never really dries, three years latter and it is
still "tacky" and the bellows have to be pulled apart when I unfold the
camera. I bought a gallon (smallest available) and it was about $12US
from Home Depot.
Others suggested (after I'd used the roofing stuff) going to scuba
diving shops and getting the material they use to seal wet suit leaks.
According to reports it works as well as the Elastaseal, but dries
Bostick and Sullivan (
http://bostick-sullivan.com/commerce/accessories.htm ) carries one of
the above products in repackaged small bottles. It sounds like the wet
suit stuff. $12.50US
To repeat myself, if your bellows has lots of leaks and/or is going to
get heavy use, a new bellows is truly the best plan.
Tom Ferguson
Received on Sat Apr 3 09:40:16 2004
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