I have a question about the term "printmaking", in reference to submitting
images to shows and trying for grants. I know printmaking includes methods
such as lithography and woodblocks and etching. But does it also extend to
alternative photographic processes. For instance I do gums. I would
consider it printmaking myself. But I don't know if organizations that are
taking "printmaking" submissions, but not "photography" submissions, would
feel the same way. For example, IPCNY (International Print Center New York)
is accepting submissions for their summer show right now. They show prints,
not photographs, although I've definitely seen photo based imagery there
before. So I'm wondering if my gums count. Some goes for the Elizabeth
Greenshield Foundation grant, which accepts painting, sculpture, and
printmaking, but not photography.
Received on Thu Apr 15 08:42:59 2004
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