> As I recall, Clay Harmon wrote that treating the glyoxal hardened paper
> a water rinse seemed to counter act any yellowing that he had observed
> before, concurring with Judy Seigel remarks that treating glyoxal hardened
> with a water rinse does prevent yellowing.
My worry is that it we don't know what it does in the future...
> I'm not sure which paper Clay was using at that time so I don't if it is
> paper specific. I do know that Lenox natural white is very yellow to begin
> with and I further assume that you meant Lenox White. I'll get some
> aquarelle to test with also.
My aquarelle and Lenox are about the same whiteness, what little whiteness
I can see on the aquarelle around the edges where I did not brush the
hardened gelatin all the way to.
> Also as for storage I place any cut paper of any kind in 1 and 2 gallon
> lock bags for easy identification and storage. I don't know what effect
> may have on preventing or enhancing yellowing.
My paper, with a 12 hour soak, did not lighten one iota.
> If memory serves me well Sam doesn't size or harden his paper for gum
> printing. Perhaps that should tell us something.
You are correct; He smiled when I told him about it today, a knowing smile
that says, "Why are you doing it anyway? :)" Good luck with your glyoxal
experience, but once bitten, twice shy for me. The fact that glut is still
baby butt white gives me one more reason to stick with glut.
Received on Mon Aug 16 19:21:55 2004
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