-----Original Message-----
From: "Breukel, C. (HKG)" <C.Breukel@lumc.nl>
Sent: Feb 18, 2004 2:44 AM
To: "'alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca'" <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Subject: RE: Argentum sulfericum
Hi Bob (sorry for the first incomplete post)
> I'm just curious. When silver/gel prints are not completely
> washed the
> residual hypo combines with the silver to make silver sulfide
> (I'm told) so
> that you get a yellow print. My question is, "What color is
> the silver
> sulfide in your bottle? Is it yellow?" I ask because I have
> never seen
> silver sulfide.
..it's in a light brown glaas bottle, it looks as fine white powder, I do
not want to remove the cork and wax seal right now..
> I assume that since the label was in Latin, the bottle must
> have belonged to
> an alchemist.
..it's I guess at leat 50 years old, made by Merck, Darmstadt.. also labeled
silbersulfat, sulfato do plata, sulfate d'argent, sulfato di Argento,
Sulfato de Prata..
> Therefore, it may have magical properties. ;-) You could keep
> it around as a
> conversation piece.
> Leave it on your coffee table. When a guest asks what it is
> say, "Oh that. I
> must have forgotten to put it away the last time I was
> turning some base
> metal into gold."
The color of the image depends mostly on the state of division of the material making it up. Silver sulfide can look brown as in a sepia toned print but can also shift toward blue as it does when a polysulfide toner is used on microfilm. Metallic silver in a very fine state of division looks yellow. For instance, the yellow filter layer in Kodachrome is made of colloidal silver. I think the color of the Halo Chrome prints is probably due to the silver being in state of very fine division.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Received on Wed Feb 18 08:10:30 2004
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