Re: Silver chloride contact printing papers - not AZO

From: Judy Seigel ^lt;>
Date: 01/28/04-12:26:33 AM Z
Message-id: <>

On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Richard Knoppow wrote:
> There is another silver chloride contact paper besides AZO... It's
> the Centennial Gelatine Chloride Printing-Out Paper sold in this country
> by Chicago Albumen works.
> Judy, its important to distinguish between printing out paper and
> developing out paper. Centenial POP is a printing out paper, Azo is a
> developing out paper. While both have silver chlororide in their
> emulsions (I am assuming this about the Centenial paper) the emulsions
> are otherwise different.

Yes, of course... I'm quite aware that Centennial is a POP, in fact I said
so. And am now editing details of just how to POP it, of which god is in
the toning.... (If the original query specified *developing out
paper* I missed that....)

However, speaking of image color, the Centennial apparently gets a neutral
or cool tone with the thiocyanite formula for the gold toner... and of
course platinum toning is also cool.

I'll add, though that DOP can be made into POP with a chloride bleach...
I think Chris Anderson, or maybe it was Liam, or both(?) have done that
too... You bleach it back with hydrochloric acid & (as I recall) a
bichromate bleach... and just leave it in the sun or strong light and
forget about it... You think nothing is happening, but in a few days you
have a brown tone quite tactile photograph. Could probaably gold tone it
too, if you felt the urge.

Received on Wed Jan 28 00:26:43 2004

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