Richard & Melody
20 years that long, I guess so, I/We will give it our best shot to come, so
if you find my GMC in the diveway wake us up carefully. For those of you who
have not been go, Go, GO, its a lot of fun. Good food, good friends, and alot
of GREAT WORK. Hope to see you all soon.
Jan and Gale
> From: Richard Sullivan <>
> Date: 2004/06/06 Sun PM 06:18:53 GMT
> To:
> Subject: Semi-Annual Platypus Party
> I've been very busy as of late. Been working with the engineers designing a
> new carbon tissue coating machine. The old one works fine but it is a bit
> short on capacity in that I can only make so much in a day. The new one
> will double or triple our capacity.
> Really what I wanted to mention is that everyone is invited to the
> semi-annual Platypus party here in Santa Fe. I think this is the 20th year
> anniversary. This is the more informal event that takes place in the off
> years from APIS. Approximately 100 people come through during a long day of
> chile, drinks, print showing and conversation.
> It is held at our home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on July 3rd. Call Bostick &
> Sullivan at 1-505-474-0890 for details and directions.
> Santa Fe is a great place to visit in the summer. This trip could be a
> double whammy if there is an opera fan in your entourage. Santa Fe has a
> world renown opera
> I hope to meet you in Santa Fe!
> --Dick Sullivan
> Bostick & Sullivan
Received on Sun Jun 6 17:42:30 2004
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