--- Sandy King <sanking@CLEMSON.EDU> wrote:
> ...
> Apparently the instructions originally came from
> Carl Weese so he may
> have something more to say about the mixing.
Thank you very much. I think I will stick with the
self-made sodium citrate way, because I had searched
for oxalic acid once (for 1% precoat cyanotype in
order to decrease contrast - then I rearranged my
curve setting and got near-perfect cyanotypes without
the need of acid coat using the traditional formula +
a simple modification of adding 2-3 drops of Ilfotol
to 20ml of sensitizer. I guess I will not have
"perfect" cyanotypes due to the shadows compression /
contrast decrease when the print is dry) and couldn't
find in my area unfortunately. (Any tips? In what
industry / area is oxalic acid used most?)
> ...
> I don't recommend it with gold palladium toning
> because of the danger
> of contamination and loss of the toner. Better to
> screw up 50-100ml
> of gold or Pt/Pd toner than a entire liter.
OK got it. Thanks again.
Received on Tue Mar 2 15:22:25 2004
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