Robert!! I had lunch with you and Don in Santa Fe last APIS, so nice to hear
from you! Thanks for the feedback.
The learning curve with gum is getting easier and easier, with the digital
possibilities. Having to make the negs, as I used to in the darkroom, was
such a pain. Now it is nuttin'. And matching the low dichromate
concentration with a digital neg is perfect.
Use the spray bottle, too. I get up every morning and drink my coffee while
exposing 1 layer on 6-9 prints, then develop, dry and go to school. At
night I do another layer, and the next morning the third goes on and I am
done. That way I am not waiting for prints to dry and twiddling my thumbs.
Although today I was getting so late in developing a large gum...I wasn't
willing to sacrifice it by having it in the water for 8 hr while I was gone,
so I got late, and had to leave with my breakfast stuffed in a bowl, and
was shoving a sweet potato and scrapple in my mouth while driving, talking
on the cell phone, and going 55 in a 35, passing a cop. Not a good idea.
Miraculously, I didn't get stopped! (weird breakfast, I know; leftovers...)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:06 AM
Subject: RE: glutaraldehyde and my gum prints online
> Really nice work Christina. Thanks to Ed for giving you the space for your
> images. After seeing Sam's prints at APS this summer and reading his
> article I have start to learn the process and your work gives me
> to stay with it through the learning curve.
> Best Regards,
> Robert Cockrell
Received on Thu Mar 25 22:52:01 2004
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