I think I remember the article, too, Sandy, but it wasn't the BTZS
tubes I don't think, but a variation on their theme. I think it was
in View Camera. You can email them at: largformat@aol.com
>If I remember correctly, it was Phil Davis. The procedure should be
>described in one of his book "Beyond The Zone System." While this is from
>memory, I think it is correct since the tubes are also known as BTZS
>(abbreviation from the title of the book) tubes.
>Dave S
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Sandy King" <sanking@clemson.edu>
>To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
>Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:26 AM
>Subject: Developing sheet film in open-ended PVC tubes
>> A number of years ago someone wrote an article that was published in
>> one of the national magazines that described how to develop sheet
>> film in open-ended PVC tubes in trays. This procedure offers some
>> advantages over normal tray development in that it gives 1) very even
>> development with no edge hot spots, and 2) minimizes the possibility
>> of scratching that many experience in shuffle agitation.
>> I am describing this procedure in a current writing project and would
>> like to give credit to the person who originally suggested the
>> procedure but I am unable to locate it. Can anyone on the list
>> provide any details to help me locate the article.
>> Sandy
Received on Wed Mar 31 11:05:50 2004
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