Katharine Thayer writes:
> There used to be a great forum on pinhole photography hosted at
> pinhole.com, but that site no longer has a link to the forum. Could
> anyone tell me if this forum is still in existence, and if so, how to
> get to it?
Gregg Kemp did a great job with pinhole.com, but wanted to pull back
from its many activities. I offered to take over hosting the discussion
portion, and it's mailing-list only, like this one. You can subscribe
by sending the words
subscribe pinhole-discussion
to majordomo@spitbite.org
For the digest version, it's
subscribe pinhole-discussion-digest
but traffic on the list is not so overwhelming as to require being on
a digest. In my opinion.
I'll mention that the carbon printing list is hosted on spitbite.org now,
too, having moved from opusis.com and J Wayde Allen's capable hosting.
Same majordomo address, just
subscribe carbon
I have a more capable server lined up, and at some point in the near
future, searchable archives of the lists will be in place. But at the
moment, it's a fairly minimal set up.
Drop me a note if you have any trouble subscribing, and thanks to those
who alerted me to this thread.
Received on Tue Oct 5 13:12:46 2004
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