The way *I* practice photography, I really have no need for "precise" negatives, or any kind of precision for that matter. But the book might be helpful in finding new rules to break.
Lunch Thursday in Elburn? My son goes to kindergarten there. I can drop him off and meet you at 12:40. Any earlier and he comes along. He can't read much of your book, but he's a pretty good photographer. I'm learning by watching him.
Leaving town right now. I return on Wednesday.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 10:21 PM
Subject: Congratulations!
Hey Keith—congratulations on the show. I am hoping to make it for the opening—one possible conflict, but if I don't make it for the opening, I will come and see it. The image on the card looks great! You should post the info on the Alt Photo discussion group. If you are shy, I'll be glad to do it for you hehehe
Say, would you be interested in swapping some training — spending a day here showing me some beginning gum and I'll show you how to calibrate with my method? I'll throw in a free copy of the book.
Purchase the book @
Credit Card & Paypal now accepted
Received on Thu Oct 7 22:28:24 2004
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