Hi Robert, thaks for the trouble. But I would like to make the following
comment: The table seems to strech the images and distort them. I
recommend that you standardize on a max dimension figure and size the
images according to it (without altering the proportions). For instance,
if you choose 800x600 as your sceen resolution and want 3 images in a
row then you can use a max. dimension figure of 510 / 3 = 170 pixels
(600 - 510 = 90 pixels was saved for the gap between the images and the
scroll bar). Then you will have to resize all the images so that their
longest dimention is 170 pixels size. This way you will not encounter
any proportions change problem. BTW, if you have Photoshop, AcdSee or a
similar software, these often incorporate utilities for making web photo
galleries very easily and trouble free.
Thanks again.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert [mailto:rc3@flash.net]
> Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 6:40 AM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
> Subject: RE: Traveling Portfolio
> I have put the images up for those who do not wish to join
> the Yahoo group. They will take time to load (if you have a
> dial up like I have). They are larger then the thumbnails on
> yahoo. http://home.flash.net/~rc3/ I have been out of town
> for a few days and this is the first chance to put the images up.
> ...
Received on Mon Sep 13 02:09:51 2004
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