I think that some gold-toned albumen takes on that
rose tone - someone know more conclusively?
--- jude.taylor@comcast.net wrote:
> Gerretings,
> While doing an internet search on another subject I
> happened upon the web site for the California
> Historical Society and they currenty have an exhibit
> of photographs by Alice Burr (1883-1968) and
> Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904).
> I didn't see any mention of the type of photographic
> process specific to the images shown. Can any of
> you identify the process used for the photo by
> Muybridge that appears very pink (right thumbnail
> below the photo of Muybirdge) - you need to take the
> link to Muybridge from the left nav bar on the main
> page? Have any of you gone to see this exhibit?
> Also, if you go under the Collections tab, then take
> The Photography Collection link you will find a link
> to photographic processes...which is a long listing
> describing the old as well as new process names.
> They don't have diginegs listed (under Negatives
> Classification) so I guess that process isn't
> history yet!! Sniles and Cheers! Judy
> --
> Judy Rowe Taylor
> Mukilteo, WA
> Art is a voice of the heart, a song of the soul.
> www.enduringibis.com
> jude.taylor@comcast.net or
> judyrowetaylor@enduringibis.com
Received on Fri Aug 5 12:46:02 2005
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