This as not been mentioned yet but could this problem be caused by the input
you give your printer??? Like for exemple if the file used, is in the jpeg
format, this format is notorious for resulting in some of these artifacts.
I don't have a 2200 and know nothing about its drivers but I know some
software convert every thing to 8 bit before sending the result to the
printer. This also could be causing some problems.
Of course, none of these may be the problem here but since no one mention
them I thought viewing this problem from a different angle might help.
----- Original Message -----
From: "henk thijs" <henk.thijs@hetnet.nl>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: Inkjet (2200) digital neg banding
> Before becoming to much frustrated by the results of the printer, just
> look after the EPSON-list. There are some very keen and friendly
> members with a lot of knowledge; nearly as good as our list :-)
> After a week of most discouraging results of my Epson 1290 I asked for
> help, and my problem was fixed nearly the next day by the advice of
> Arthur Entlich, the 'walking encyclopedia' of the list.
> EPSON_Printers@yahoogroups.com
> Cheers,
> Henk
Received on Mon Dec 5 02:54:00 2005
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