I've had good results with Winsor Newton Permanent Rose 1g/10ml gum and
BlockX Yellow 1g/50ml. Both are powdered pigments and should be available
at an art supply store. Different brands of powder pigment and watercolor
tube paint can vary considerably in strength and quality. You might want to
buy a selection and experiment, to find the pigments best suited to your
Best regards,
Dave Rose
Powell, Wyoming
> Sam Wang's tri-color gum article on www.unblinkingeye.com has inspired
> me in collaboration with Clay Harmon's gum over work to give gum a shot.
> Being a gum novice I'm trying to keep down the variables until I have a
> grasp of the process and then conventions be damned :)
> To the point: Sam's email address wasn't listed with the article, but I
> thought I could get in touch through him here and if not then someone
> could point me in his direction.
> Now the question: Sam mentions Hansa Yellow as the yellow he usually
> uses and as I know naught about watercolor pigments I wanted to know if
> he means Light, Medium, or Deep Hansa Yellow. Also, is there a specific
> brand he recommends or are they similar enough at the top of the
> quality-chain for a beginner, and is there a good, general red/magenta
> to start with?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Moore
Received on Tue Feb 22 08:14:40 2005
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