I've tried double coating the Cyanotype II (Ware's recipe) and all that
brought me was an increased chance of blotching and contamination of the
paper. As Judy mentioned several months ago Cyano II's are a tad finicky --
an understatement. I've found choice of paper and the amount of sensitiser I
embed into the paper are the numbers one and two variables, in that order,
which contribute to the success or failure of a print. I've just switched
over to using some DIY glass coating rods (thanks to whomever recommended
buying a pound of 12mm borosilicate tubes from Cynmar) and I'm finding a lot
more consistency in my results this week. Now if I can just get my coating
mojo down...was that five passes or six?
----- Original Message -----
From: "ryberg" <cryberg@comcast.net>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 5:06 PM
Subject: I'll never double coat cyano again -- was what I've learned about
cyanotype thru PDN
> Several of you have said that double coating increases DMAX. I had always
> believed that. But the tests I showed yesterday led me to doubt it. I
> exposed pairs of Stoufer strips, one on single coated cyano, one on double
> coated. I did six exposure times. All of these showed the same or better
> DMAX with single coating. Further, the single coat always showed a longer
> scale. You can see the results on my web page--I added these new tests at
> the end of the earlier cyano note.
> I HOPE that I have optimized the images for the web and that it won't
> take too long for a dial-up, though the final image of the 6 pairs is
> big.
> http://home.comcast.net/~cryberg/index.html
> Thanks, Charles Portland OR
Received on Mon Jun 6 22:09:18 2005
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