Roman (and Charles et al),
Three questions: is cyanotype ultimately only capable of 5-6 stops? And,
if you double coat, how much more time do you need for exposure generally?
And have you single or double coated with 2A:1B and how is that?
What is fascinating to me about the PDN system is on the tonal palette that
you get on the disk, the square 101 step one, on one side of it there is a
step wedge and on another there is a step gradient. Therefore, every time
you print your tonal palette (that you have colorized with the color you
have chosen for the process and paper) you can check by those mini step
wedges how many tones you can get with your "digital" step wedge, if you
On Arches Platine, I get, with the color I have chosen, 11 steps on that
wedge of different tones **before** applying a curve. After applying the
curve, I get 21 steps of different tones.
I'm only using a 6 minute exposure time under UV for that on Arches Platine.
I am wondering if Charles' problem is his paper being not only slower but
higher contrast as well. Ohhh, tho, I use 2A:1B so it is faster, maybe. I'm
tellin' ya, Charles, go buy some Platine. I got another woman offlist to
switch her testing to Platine and both of us feel we have died and gone to
heaven with that paper. Except for its price. But at least it is not as
bad as Buxton which is my next testing paper. Anyway, it produces deep,
rich thalo blues.
> You have done a very nice work.
> I just don't agree with your conclusions. From your scanned 6 pairs I
> think you can see that double coat gives you higher Dmax and less
> sensitivity (longer exposure times!).
> I think your Double 22 min still is underexposed.
> I think for cyano your tonal range is to short - you should be able to
> print at least 10 - 12 step.
> please correct me if Im wrong!
> Roman
Received on Tue Jun 7 07:30:08 2005
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