----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryuji Suzuki" <rs@silvergrain.org>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: patently frustrated
> From: Ender100@aol.com
> Subject: Re: patently frustrated
> Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 16:36:29 -0400 (EDT)
>> In the US, I believe it is about 17-18 years for the
>> duration of a
>> patent?
> The US Patent term used to be 17 years from the date
> issued, but
> recent ones are 20 years from the date of application.
> There was a
> transition period where patent would expire on the later
> date of the
> dates obtained by the both system. In practice,
> provisional patent
> application can be used to delay the expiration date of
> the US Patent
> by up to 1 year.
> --
> Ryuji Suzuki
> "Well, believing is all right, just don't let the wrong
> people know
> what it's all about." (Bob Dylan, Need a Woman, 1982)
Here is the explanation from the USPTO site:
A patent for an invention is a grant of property rights by
the U.S. Government through the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office. The patent grant excludes others from making, using,
or selling the invention in the United States. A utility or
plant patent in force on June 8, 1995, is subject to either
the 17 year term from grant or the 20 year term from
earliest effective U.S. filing date, whichever is longer. A
design patent term is 14 years from patent grant. The right
conferred by the patent grant extends throughout the United
States. The terms "Patent Pending" and "Patent Applied For"
are used to inform the public that an application for a
patent has been filed. Patent protection does not start
until the actual grant of a patent. Marking of an article as
patented, when it is not, is illegal and subject to penalty.
A patent cannot be obtained on a mere idea or suggestion.
Patent applications are examined for both technical and
legal merit. Prior to filing a patent application, a search
of existing patents can be conducted at the USPTO Patent
Search Room or at a Patent and Trademark Depository Library
in your area.
More info is available at:
--- Richard Knoppow Los Angeles, CA, USA dickburk@ix.netcom.comReceived on Thu May 12 21:26:55 2005
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