Hi Chris,
It is fine for gum but the smooth surface is still a bit rough. It's
rather dimensionally stable if preshrunk. I'm using it allways in my
workshops because it is (a lot) cheaper than fabriano or arches
watercolour and BFK.
Christina Z. Anderson wrote:
> Kees and Cor,
> Would both of you recommend Canson Fontenay as a paper for gum in
> general? Is it stable (keeps its size) and hardy?
> Chris
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kees Brandenburg" <ctb@zeelandnet.nl>
> To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2005 6:39 AM
> Subject: Re: Canson Fonteney and gum printing
>> Hello Cor,
>> Fontenay is a sold as a 'hybrid' surfaced paper, one side somewhat
>> smooth the other side rough. I allways print on the smooth side.
>> I'm using fontenay quit often, also in my workshops. I buy 50-100
>> sheets at once so my batch might be a bit older than yours and I
>> don't know if it has changed. I allways preshrink and gelatin/glyoxal
>> size. Take care the preshrinking water is not too hot (keep it under
>> 40 degrees C) otherwise the factury sizing comes of as a slimy
>> substance. This also happens when you keep it in the water overnight.
>> What you discribe sounds like a form of abrasion or a problem with
>> the internal sizing. I think a hardened gelatin size will solve your
>> problem.
>> Breukel, C. (HKG) wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In the past I did some modest gum printing on Canson Fonteny, I use
>>> the smooth (back?) side not the rough textured side, and I have been
>>> quite happy with the results.
>>> Recently I bought a few sheets to make some gum prints, but this
>>> time I ran into a problem: After 4 coats the texture of the paper
>>> started to "raise"(for lack of a better description, as if the paper
>>> is showing through te gum layer), obscuring details in esp. the
>>> shadow regions. Can't say that I like that effect.
>>> AFAIK I did not coat too violent with the foam brush, and I assume
>>> that it's perhaps inherent to the newer batch I bought (one thing to
>>> check though is that there seems to be 2 different versions of of
>>> Fonteney: coarse and fine grain, perhaps that can explain why I did
>>> not see this effect in the past).
>>> I did not pre-shrink and size (these are 4*5 only), but would adding
>>> a extra gelatine size reduce this effect?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bezt,
>>> Cor
Received on Mon Nov 7 08:25:53 2005
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