I like to keep the terminology simple. "Gum/Cyanotype" or "Gum/Cyanotype
combination print" is descriptive and concise.
I've made CMY prints using 3 gum layers and also 2 gum/cyanontype. I like
the high contrast and sharp detail offered by cyanotype. I'll usually print
two layers of yellow gum and two layers of magenta gum on top of cyanotype.
It makes a really nice print. Here's an example:
Other combo gum/cyanotype here:
I use traditional cyanotype. I've never tried the new formula.
Dave in Wyoming
2" of fresh snow and temperatures plunging into single digits.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christina Z. Anderson" <zphoto@montana.net>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: my work online
> Sorry; fingers so cold my last email got sent without writing in it!
> I've got it!!!
> Kerik and Clay call them Gumover Platinums. How about instead of tricolor
> gum over cyanotype i say Tricolor Gumover Cyanotypes???
> Anyway, to the question by Ricardo of why the cyanotype layer--it's sharp,
> it's grainless, it's deep, and it is a great registration aid, now that I
> eyeball registration over a lightbox. But a layer of thalo blue would
> accomplish the same purpose.
> Too, there is something soooo magical about doing it; first you get this
> cyano layer that is just...so so. then you put on the yellow layer, and
> get this garish yellow/green/blue print that looks like you cannot
> it, but then again there are indications that green is where green should
> and yellow is where yellow should be. Then the magenta layer, and
> comes out of the bath like magic, with all the colors where they should
> It is truly a time intensive, laborious process. But that magic is true
> whether you use cyanotype or gum for your blue.
> Chris
Received on Mon Nov 14 20:38:55 2005
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