On Nov 15, 2005, at 8:52 AM, Yves Gauvreau wrote:
> Katharine,
> I went to your site and after reading a few pages and seeing most of
> your
> work there which is very impressive at least to my taste. I can say
> that you
> kind of confirm the thought that was beginning to form in my mind. Be
> it gum
> printing or whatever other tools an artist uses to express him or
> herself
> it's the results that count. I think Ansel Adams said it much better
> then I
> ever could when he wrote something like this: the negative is like the
> music
> sheet and the print is the performance. When you think like that it
> make a
> world of difference.
> I interpret what you said in your overview page to be very similar in
> essence to what Adams said. I could go on and elaborate on this topic
> but
> I've learned it is futile to try convincing someone who thinks
> technique is
> everything, which is not your case obviously. I confess that I forget
> this
> much to often but I forgive myself most of the times.
> Thanks for sharing your work and your thoughts with us.
You're most welcome, and thanks for the note. Yes, for me technique
isn't an end in itself but only a path to the goal, and in gum there
are many paths to many goals. Good luck on finding your path, whether
it's gum or carbon or whatever,
Received on Tue Nov 15 17:11:38 2005
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